On Sunday, 31 March, an outdoor mastichin painting workshop was organised for our Sunday School senior group students.
The mastichin is an unusual tool that allows the painter to work more freely and expressively with paint, creating unique textures and volumes on canvas. This method requires a special courage and willingness to experiment, making it ideal for developing children's creative thinking.
The plein air on the square in front of the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh took place in an atmosphere of joy and inspiration. It was amazing to see how different students saw the same place in different ways, each through the prism of their own individuality.
We would like to thank the talented teacher Anya, who enthusiastically shared her knowledge and supported each student, helping them to find their way in the art.
Such events play an important role in the development of a holistic personality, teaching our children to see the beauty around them and to express their feelings and thoughts through creativity. May this day remain in their hearts as a vivid memory of the beauty of God's world and the limitless possibilities of creativity.