Пасхальный праздник

Easter holiday

On 16 April, on the day of Pascha Christ in the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, a solemn Easter Vespers was celebrated. At the end of the service in the parish centre, students...

Великая суббота

Holy Saturday

On 15 April, on Holy Saturday, Archpriest Daniel Lugovoy celebrated the Divine Liturgy in conjunction with Vespers, at which 15 paremi were read: 15 passages of...

Великая Пятница

Good Friday

On 14 April Archpriest Daniel Lugovoy celebrated Great Friday Vespers. At the singing of the troparions "Good-looking Joseph..." the Shroud was carried from the altar to the middle of the church with...

Вербное воскресенье

Palm Sunday

On Sunday 9 April, the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Matins and Divine Liturgy were celebrated in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh. After the reading of the Gospel...

Представители Русской Церкви встретились с руководством Совета церквей ЮАР

Representatives of the Russian Church met with the leadership of the South African Council of Churches

27 March 2023 in the capital of the Republic of South Africa, Pretoria. On 27 March 2023, in Pretoria, the capital of the Republic of South Africa, a meeting was held between the Secretary of the Russian Orthodox Church for Inter-Christian Relations, Hieromonk Stephan (Igumnov), and the rector of the...